Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sport topic: Rugby in PE?

As i attended the 2009 MAHPERD convention at the DCU center in Worcester, I found a seminar that caught my eye. I saw that the seminar was on how to integrate rugby into schools. I thought that no school board would allow such a violent sport into a P.E curriculum. But as the seminar was conducted I found that these teachers from Connecticut were on to something.

These teacher took the rough and rugged sport and turned it into a flag game similar to flag football, but better! I feel that this version of the game is highly beneficial for a few reason:

  1. No student can stand around

  2. No one student can be the all star

  3. It integrates a non-traditional game into a traditional setting

  4. It is a game of constant motion allowing a participants heart rate to rise.

Furthermore, If a PE teacher were to want to incorporate this sport into this curriculum there are many web sites on how to do so (the number 1 listed below). Also, most schools will already have the flag belts so the only purchase would be the actual ball. So, in my opinion i feel schools should start adapting this sport into there curriculum.


  1. I think that is a great idea for PE classes everywhere. It might force some students who are more shy than others to break out of their shells. Kids need something to force them to stay at least a little active.

  2. I definately agree with you on the fact of bringing rugby into the PE curriculum. It's definately necessary to make it a flag sport simply for the fact that this is one of the most intense sports and most highly likely someone will get hurt. The flag sport will work and the four points you brought up are really convincing.
