Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Metabolic Conditioning

When a person thinks weight loss they think cardio. The "if I hit the elliptical for half hour a day I will lose weight" way of thinking. However, cardio is no longer seen as the premiere way to lose weight because you stop burning a higher rate of calories within a half hour of being done. People seem to lose sight of the fact that the body has many components to it and these components need to be used. The component of EPOC for example is the best way lose weight through fat lose rather than water weight (usually through cardio).

EPOC is excess postexercise oxygen consumption, which in short means that your body is still trying to replenish your muscles with oxygen well after you are done working out. By trying to catch up on oxygen, your body needs to work harder at rest allowing your body to burn calories even after your work out is complete.
So the question is, how do I reach EPOC? The answer is a simple one...stop living on cardio equipment! The best way to reach EPOC is through high intensity resistance training. Although this can be done with weights, it can also be done with just body weight activities. So those people afraid of becoming bulky have no excuses. An example of this is a 20-20 principle meaning that you work for 20 seconds then rest for 20 seconds, never taking a second off during the work period. The more you do this the more intense you can make the work out. You could up the weight (if your using weights), up the time-time ratio and so on.

If you go the body weight route, I suggest you join what is called a boot camp course. Through this, a person along with a group is instructed to do certain activities and is pushed to the limits that they may not go to on their own. However, if the group scene is not for you then here is a suggested list of exercises you could do:

  1. Squat thrusts

  2. Box sits/squats

  3. Box step ups/jump ups

  4. Mountain climbers

  5. Medicine ball squats to press

  6. Body weight squat jumps

  7. pull-ups

  8. Jumping jacks

  9. Burpees

  10. wall sits

  11. chair dips

  12. jump lunges

  13. etc. etc. etc.

1 comment:

  1. A valuable post on "sport and training" .I'm using the methods from http://debtfreeliving.lose20.com to reduce weight and it really works.

    Steve- Lose 20 - Losing weight may save your life
