Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Clean the weight room

Over the years I have attended many weight rooms, clubs and gyms. Within all of these facilities there is always a few friendly reminders that are posted. "Please wipe down the bench" and "Please re-rack all weights". Unfortunately for most people, these rules do not get followed and it seems non-beneficial to all the gym members.

First, an unclean weight room is an unhappy weight room. If the weights are not re-racked properly or not at all then it slows peoples routines down thus causing people to become angry. This is unfortunate because most people are at the gym to relieve stress and negative feelings and this does not help with the situation. Also, by leaving weight on the bar, damage to the equipment is inevitable. An example is if a person were to leave 45's on each side over night, the bar will become warped making it dangerous to use. This makes the gym purchase a new one potential driving up fees payed by the members.

Secondly, especial during epidemics likes MRSA and H1N1 or even during the regular cold and flu season, everyone is doing their part to prevent becoming sick. No one wants another persons sweat all over them potential getting them sick. By simply using the sprays and wipes that the gym has out for your use, the spread of colds, flues, MRSA and H1N1 can be prevented. Furthermore, by wiping your equipment down after use, it becomes less dirty for the gyms staff to have to clean up, allowing them to worry about more important things such as the safety of all of their members.

So remember, the next time your in the gym, re-rack your weights properly and clean all of your equipment, all of the other members will be gratefully for it.


  1. It is really easy to wipe down your equipment when your finish with it. It doesnt take long at all but there are very few that do. Personally i wipe it down because i would like to think that the person before me did and that im not sitting in a puddle of dried up sweat. Its just something courteous and easy that can help protect yourself and others from getting sick.

  2. These are a few really good points. Not only is wiping the equiptment sanitary, it's common cortesy. And as for leaving the gym disorderly, not only are you wasting money and ruining things for other people, you are ruining things for yourself if you plan on going back.

  3. I agree with Kate. It should go without saying that one should clean up their equipment after they are finished. I personally wipe down the equipment and hope that whoever used it before me did as well. It is especially important during the flu season. Also, I am not sure why a member would want to leave the gym un-organized. It is their gym too!

  4. You all make a very good point considering it is very easy to wipe down a mat or whatever type of equipment. It's kind of disgusting when you see someone sweating very bad and without wiping down there equipment. I never really paid much attention to the bars getting warped however it definately makes sense.
