Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cross fit

With the change in football comes a change in training. The days of straight ahead football are long gone and the fast passed offenses require athletes to be in the best shape they ever have been. Cross Fit and cross fit football have designed a program that works different muscle groups using high intensity, body weight and very low weight. The most beneficial part of the program is that it is free for anyone to use just by going to (gneral population and athletes) or (football players). These programs are really cool and I encourage everyone to look into them.


  1. I looked into the Cross fit it looks pretty intense and a very good routine. I like how they give you free workout plans and tutorials and what not. What I kind of was bummed out about was how hard it is to get a cross fit certification. Everywhere is sold out even for a level 1 certification. Hopefully they will have more classes around the new england area sooner than later. Thanks for the information, good post.

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  3. I first heard of Cross fit last year through a WSC football player and immediately thought it was just an intense bench pressing-type program that I had no place doing. When I looked into it some more, I learned that it wicked intense could be done in a very short amount of time. There are so many exercises too that it doesn't seem like it'd be boring. There is a CrossFit gym in Northampton if anyone is interested!

  4. I have heard a bit about the crossfit program. I have never tried it but it does seem pretty cool. They incorporate exercises that are very practical to sports, and also everyday life. for example, you might do 50 pushups instead of 10 reps of benach press, or 30 aquat jumps instead of 5 squats. These exercises maximise that amount of calories burned and also build and tone muscle. You are also working parts of muscles that many other traditional workout overlook.

  5. We did a crossfit program for our Physical Training for the Nantucket Police Department. They are brutal workouts that work just about every muscle in your body. They are fantastic workouts for people who like doing cardio for strength training. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to get into fantastic shape.

  6. I just learned about cross fit this year in my health fitness class. The presentation they did was cool and looked like a fun, different workout where you recieve great benefits. I personally have never tried it, and don't know of places in my area, but if I find one I will definitely try it out!
