Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Breast Cancer and Weight Lifting

Some women are afraid to lift weights because they are afraid of becoming bulky. The truth is that weight lifting is a great way for women who are trying to lose weight or body fat reach their goals. However, a new study shows that contrary to past belief, weight lifting will help women recovering from an ailment, such as breast cancer, to recover with less pain. Fister (2009) reported that those women who were recovering from breast cancer that lifted weights had a stronger upper and lower body, and reported “less severe lymphedema symptoms”. The most common severe symptom was arm pain from the treatment. It seemed that weight training reduced the amount of pain the women was suffering (Fister, 2009). These findings are helpful not only for the women, but also for the entire medical field. The reason being is that up to a few years ago women who were in treatment were told not to do any strenuous activity, up to and including carrying groceries into the house.

Fister, K. (2009). Weight Lifting is Safe for Survivors of Breast Cancer with Lymphoedema. British Medical Journal, 339(7718), Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. This post is really informative. I enjoy lifting weights, but I am constantly being told that I am going to get too bulky or end up looking like a man, which I know is impossible. I think its great to know that exercise can help with breast cancer. I think that by lifting weights women are able to have a sense or purpose and a higher quality of life.
